Frequently asked questions

Does my insurance cover chiropractic?   In recent years, Chiropractic coverage has become more commonplace in health insurance plans.  In general,  health plans have moved towards covering more preventative healthcare and alternative healthcare costs.  Chiropractic can usually be grouped with acupuncture or physical therapy and has become more mainstream, both in terms of use and as a matured and licensed means of healthcare.  Chiropractic benefits are sometimes covered under a health plan "rider," a side insurance plan added to the main medical plan.

Please contact our office, we would be happy to check your plan coverage.  

Will Dr. Swanson bill my insurance?  We handle all insurance billing for both primary and secondary coverage.  Patients are responsible for plan deductibles and co-payments.  

  1. Share Parenting Stories and Tips
  2. Simple Steps to Healthy Family
  3. Families: Family Fitness
  4. Quiz: What's Your Parenting Style?

Dr. Swanson is a provider for most health insurances and in the Medical Preferred Provider Network for many Workers' Compensation carriers.


801 Western Ave.

Petaluma, CA
